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The MCC Story
Alternative Medicine Training at its best...
How the MCC Method came about...
For those of you who know me, I have been fascinated by Alternative Medicine for nearly half a century. My colleague Paula Phillips came to a class I ran some years ago, and impressed me so much with her work that I invited her to come and observe at my clinic. This she did every day for about six months, standing quietly against the wall, taking mental notes.
Paula has now become a very valued partner in the Holywood Health Clinic, where she specialises in Bio-Resonance treatments and the MCC Method.
Paula became so adept with her Andromeda treatments that she was soon needing to find something to fill in the time until the end of her one hour sessions, so she asked me if she could start doing some of the weird and wonderful things she had watched me do for all those months of quiet observation. Of course, I agreed, and we got even more happy smiling faces coming down to reception after their treatments. The extra things she was doing provided a rounding out of the therapy, addressing a lot of the background emotional stuff.
Paula sat me down one day and said ‘We have got to get this out there, this is too powerful to keep to ourselves’. My retirement plans had already been blown out of the water by the Andromeda business, and I was a little hesitant to respond to her enthusiastic impetus to get off my backside and build a teaching course for all this stuff as well. But after watching her treat a student at a bio-resonance demonstration in Lisburn College, and seeing the astounding disappearance of nasty eczema, I agreed that we had indeed to do something. And so, the MCC Method was born. Paula insisted on my initials because it was my creation, but she has added so much to it that I think it should really be renamed! And, of course if not for her insistence, it might have gone to the grave with me!

Other key screening statements are ‘I deserve the very best’, and ‘I allow myself the very best’. Again, a weak response opens the door to deeper investigation of just what they don’t want to allow or deserve. This does not involve recall of actual events, merely finding the nature of the body’s response to the situation i.e. fear, grief, disgust, embarrassment etc.
The next stage is to actually fix what has been found, right there and then.
We can use acupuncture end points, neuro lymphatic points, lymphatic flush, eye movements (EMDR) injury recall techniques etc. while at the same time having the subject repeat a carefully worded ‘get out clause’ where they say, for example, ‘Although I have (this problem), I deeply and completely accept myself just as I am’. This process can be multi-layered and quite subtle, depending on the nature of the problem and the observable responses in the patient.
Behind nearly every ache and pain, behind every life story, there is an unseen catalogue of deeply held memories of trauma, embarrassment, rejection, etc. We accumulate these as we grow up, as we marry or divorce, as we have accidents, and have work or career upsets. We also store memories of physical and sexual abuse, of birth trauma, of bereavement. We can even come into the world with a genetic or energetic imprint from our ancestors.
When the usual medical treatment does not hit the spot, a number of people end up being referred to a psychologist, or even a psychiatrist. Or, in fashion just now, CBT. Paula saw that the things I was doing seemed to be short circuiting the need for analytic or conditioning therapies, and jumping straight to the source of pain and distress. One of the early cases she relates is of someone who had a frozen shoulder, and could not lift their arm. I did a little work on an emotion and the arm freed up completely within a minute. This was what, I think, made her decide that I must do something with this, outside of Holywood Health Clinic.
The MCC Method comes into play when we get a sense that there is a hidden agenda behind the clinical picture, or indeed when someone comes with a primary emotional issue. There is a range of quick and easy techniques we can use, depending on the situation.
For example, let us use the frozen shoulder again. This is commonly found in middle life, and is where the various muscles which control shoulder movement in all directions start to tighten up, and fight against each other. As the condition progresses the muscles restrict movement more and more. It has been a bit of a medical enigma, as blood tests are usually normal, there is no nervous breakdown, there is often no history of local trauma. It just builds up insidiously over time, reaches the point of immobility after perhaps nine months, then takes another nine to gradually release again. Caught in the early stages, a well- placed cortisone injection sometimes resolves the condition quickly.
From our perspective, we challenge the body/mind by asking the person to repeat out loud some key statements. We test for muscle weakness to any of these challenges, then pursue any weak response to find what, when and where some relevant thing might have happened which underlies the war between the muscles around the shoulder.
The psyche may have been sending subliminal fight or flight signals to the muscles for years, but they have been ignored as we try to be a normal, calm and contained person when perhaps we are actually internally frightened, frustrated or angry.
The magic of muscle testing is key to being able to communicate with the Innate Consciousness of the person. The brain is a good memory bank and information processor, but the innate consciousness does all the heavy lifting. It knows how fast your toe nails are growing, it knows what your most and least suitable foods are, it knows how healthy each organ and part is in every moment of your life. It also knows the whole emotional history of not just you but of your family line. It has a record of your life right from conception.
If we ask a person to say; ‘It is my deep down core belief that I want to get rid of this’, and a muscle weakens, we know we have touched on a problem.
The innate is different from the brain in that it has no capacity or need to lie, so we can believe what it tells us. Now we want to know just what the body does not want to get rid of, so we ask supplementary questions by asking the person to repeat such statements as ‘I want to love myself, I want to release all fear and anxiety, I want to release all grief and loss’ etc.
We also have a ‘Priority Mode’ in kinesiology, a supplemental screening test to ask whether the subject of the moment is a priority for treatment or not. This is a huge time saver!
So, what is the MCC Method exactly?
The whole process for making a correction, from start to finish, need only take a few minutes. Success is evident in the subject’s facial expression and appearance, there is usually a distinct brightening and softening of the face and eyes. It is also interesting to measure the body height before and after treatment. This commonly increases by anything from 0.5 cm to 3.0 cm as the body stands taller in response to increased self confidence and released burdens.
We can often treat two, and occasionally three, issues in one session, but there may still be other issues that can surface over the coming weeks or months. The body can have layers of things to resolve, which it will reveal in its own good time, just when it feels ready and capable to do so.

Other key screening statements are ‘I deserve the very best’, and ‘I allow myself the very best’. Again, a weak response opens the door to deeper investigation of just what they don’t want to allow or deserve. This does not involve recall of actual events, merely finding the nature of the body’s response to the situation i.e. fear, grief, disgust, embarrassment etc.
The next stage is to actually fix what has been found, right there and then.
We can use acupuncture end points, neuro lymphatic points, lymphatic flush, eye movements (EMDR) injury recall techniques etc. while at the same time having the subject repeat a carefully worded ‘get out clause’ where they say, for example, ‘Although I have (this problem), I deeply and completely accept myself just as I am’. This process can be multi-layered and quite subtle, depending on the nature of the problem and the observable responses in the patient.
Generational Healing

Another layer of the Method is generational healing. Muscle testing allows you to ask not only about the person’s life back to conception, but if they are still testing weak and not prioritising at that point you can extend the query to their mother, grandmother and even further. You then ‘lock in’ the person and their age- whether they are alive or deceased makes no difference- and proceed as if the person in front of you was the ancestor. Some of our most startling reports of life changes come from this level of treatment. The very important part of this method is the benefit to ALL in the family line, both past and future. Once a link in the causal chain is broken, the whole chain drops away.
Paula and I now run training classes in the MCC Method, subject to the current social restrictions. We are preparing an online introductory course, so that you can be ready for the practical workshops when they become available. Please contact us for details.
If you are interested and would like to become an MCC Method Practitioner and undertake this amazing Alternative Medicine Training, book now.